Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mini Rant

This is going to be a quick post, because I've got to go get all dolled up for the Cage the Elephant concert Timmy and I are going to tonight!

I was Facebook stalking tonight—creepy I know, but you know you do it too—and I came across the picture below. It disgusts me, prompted a short rant to my husband and now to you guys.

This photo has 3 likes and the comment "I wanted this poster soooo bad hahaha" The picture and the 3 likes are all from girls I know to be junior and seniors in high school. I think it's sad that teenage girls have no self respect these days. Do they not understand the message this sends to guys?

I asked my hubby, "Now, if you were a single guy and looking for a girlfriend, what would you think off the girl who posted something like this?" 

His reply, "Well...I wouldn't think of her as girlfriend material. She'd be a one night stand, or a two night if she's lucky"

You get back what you put out there—treat yourself with respect and guys, and the other woman for that matter will treat you with respect. Sorry for the rant and getting all up the proverbial soap box. I could go on for days, but I'll save you from that and sign off now.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


"If you observe a really happy man, you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating a child, growing double dahlias or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that had rolled under the radiator, striving for it as a goal in itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life 24 crowded hours of each day."
— W. Beran Wolfe
Have you ever had one of those days/weeks where it seems everything that could go wrong does go wrong? I had one of those days last week and then surprise my bosses gave me 2 days off this week, so I thought things were looking up, then we went and had our taxes done. Surprise again - we get to pay in this year, and quite a large chunk of change actually. It's depressing.

I was flipping through SoulPancake last night and stopped on the section about happiness. And it really changed the way I look at all of the stuff that is seeming to go wrong. This morning I defined what happiness is to me, here's what I came up with

Happiness Isn't
  • Getting a tax refund
  • Having money for a new car
  • Having everything you could ever want
  • Can't be bought
  • Isn't a destination
  • Wanting more
Funny how all of these things have to do with material possessions...

Happiness Is
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Being content with what you have
  • A state of mind 
  • Enjoying you life
  • Spending all day on the couch watching Netflix
  • Tim
  • Wanting more
  • A new pair of shoes
What does happiness mean to you?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I had a marvelous weekend. I got to see my momma and daddy, my sisters, brother, brother in-law and my adorable little nieces, meet my parents' new foster kids, and I got to have dinner with an old friend. We didn't do much, except hang out and catch up. Which was just fine with me, since I hadn't seen them since Christmas. Weekends like the one I had, are what make really want to move to back to Michigan.

I feel so un-American today. It was voting day here in Chicago, and I didn't vote. I'm so mad at myself, usually I'm the person getting after people to make sure they get out and vote. But, I didn't do my research about the candidates and I refuse to vote for someone, when I don't know what they stand for. This was a big election too - we're electing a new mayor. Fun fact today was the first time in 22 years, Richard Daley wasn't on the ballot.

I took a 400+ question aptitude test today, just to see what the results were. I was happy when the results concluded that I should be in a creative field. Interestingly though, the number one job it suggested for me was, highway worker, I'm confused as to how that's a creative field. Maybe I'm missing something?

I'm seriously considering, trying to start my own freelance business. It's really intimidating though, and there are lot's of stuff I would need to do to prepare. Like, redesign my portfolio website (I've hated it since the day I designed it, but time was running out and I had to finish it my senior year), get business cards reprinted, figure out how much to charge, find work, etc. etc.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MY Red Velvet

I successfully completed #7 bake a cake from scratch! Man, it feels good to cross another one of the list. My red velvet cake turned out pretty darn good. Not, that I really have much to compare it to, since I had never even had red velvet cake before. It was bright red, perfect for quiet Valentine's dinner at home.  And let me tell you, the cream cheese frosting I made is to die for! The left over frosting is in the fridge, and I might just sit here tonight and eat it by the spoonful. Just kidding...but seriously, it's that good. We have lots left over, so I'm sending it to work with Tim tomorrow, so the guys in his shop can eat it. Plus they'll be honest about how good it really is...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ad Crush

It's been awhile since I actually posted something about graphic design. I've been meaning to share this for since the first time I saw one of the new Diet Coke ads, but I never had my camera on me at the right time and I couldn't find a picture on the internet, until now.

I'm crushing on these new Diet Coke environmental ads. Here in Chi City, I've mostly seen billboards, but how funny is this? I'm really not sure if this was photoshoped or not, though I'm leaning towards YES because I've never seen a Starbucks with window advertisements and I HIGHLY DOUBT they would allow one deterring people from buying a latte.

I'm a sucker for big cropped typography, and that's my favorite things about this. Coca Cola is like an American muscle car, it's a classic—even without that photo of the bottle, you'd know it's for Diet Coke. The cropped type is interesting and when you see one of these billboards in real life, it really does catch your attention. And really who does have time to stand in line for a latte? Ok, I do. I love me a skinny vanilla latte, but that's beside the point. This ad makes me want to drink Diet Coke again, even though I don't really like the taste. That's the power of graphic design.

Please tell me I'm not alone here.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I'm so honored to have received a Stylish Blogger Award from Suz!! I feel all warm and bubbly now, it's so incredibly awesome to know I have readers who are not family or people I went to school with. Plus I'm stoked about checking out the other 14 people she gave the award to.

The rules are simple - 1. thanks and link back to the person who gave you the award (see above - thanks again Suz:) 2. Share 7 things about yourself 3. Give the award to 15 other bloggers

  1. I am deathly afraid of birds. I've been attacked by a bird three different times, and when walking around the city I do my best to avoid large groups of pigeons 
  2. Though, we're a little embarrassed to admit it to some, Timmy and I had our first kiss at a kegger in a dirty bathroom
  3. I never understood why it was hard for girls with long hair to chop it off—until I grew my hair out. Now, I understand how emotionally attached you can get (Meg I'm sorry for bugging you to no end about cutting yours!!)
  4. I have two younger sisters and a younger brother, I miss them lot's. Living 4 hours away from each other seems like across the country
  5. I'm only 24 and I have TONS of gray hair
  6. I was in 4-H and FFA
  7. I have a secret...I'll share it with you someday
And in no particular order the award goes to...
  1. Hippie Heart: On the off beat
  2. Hotdiggity!
  3. The Style Rookie
  4. Rebecca Newport
  5. Secrets of a Butterfly
  6. Operation NICE
  7. Young House Love
  8. The EM Space
  9. Such Pretty Things
  10. Natalie Blough Photography
  11. Making It Lovely
  12. Behind the Seams
  13. A Merry Mishap
  14. Peach Pits and Grass Clippings
  15. Mama Bear's Hideaway
Some of those are really well known blogs, others are not, but they're some of my personal favorites. ENJOY :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Red Velvet

Valentine's Day is coming up, I'm thinking I might bake this delish looking red velvet cake for Timmy. And at the same get to cross #7 bake a cake from scratch off my 25 Before Twenty-Five List. I've never even had red velvet cake, but it looks and sounds super yummy. I found the picture on Pinterest, which lead me to the recipe for Heritage Red Velvet Cake on Sprinkle Bakes. I'm excited to try it!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I survived my first real blizzard. I've never seen this much snow if my life, over 20 inches! Yesterday and today, I was very thankful that I live in high rise, and didn't have to dig my way out. I'm also thankful I take the L to work, so that I didn't have to drive on the nasty roads. The city is beautiful all covered in snow, see the pics below for proof.

How cool is this picture of The Bean?!

There we crazy people who still rode their bikes, even when the winds we gusting 60+ MPH

Yes, I had to get through piles of snow like this to get to work - okay so they were already paths from other people, but still!

All photos are from here, these are more too.