Thursday, April 7, 2011

Budget Update

Timmy and I survived our first month living on a budget. We're very proud of ourselves. And we ended the month excited to take on month number two.

There were only two areas that we spent more than we had budgeted. And a few that we over budgeted, so we actually ended up having money "left over." The main area we under budgeted was gas. I don't drive, so I relied on Tim to give me an amount to enter into our spreadsheet. He forgot I was driving to Michigan for a weekend. Driving to MI equals about 2 extra tanks of gas, my daddy filled up my car before I left, so thanks to him, we didn't actually go over budget much. He's the best! I also forgot to budget in the dang insurance we have on Tim's phone. I've tried on multiple occasions to talk him out of having it, but he insists.

April is going to be a little tricky. We have a couple of days where we'll be going out with some friends, and we've got dinner plans with a couple from our church. So we're going to have to stretch our "dining out" money. You might that that's a pretty specific category, but the spreadsheet we use, breaks down general categories, like "Food" into "groceries" and "dining out." That way it's easier to know where you can cut and where you're expenses our fixed.

Wish us luck as we continue our journey to Financial Peace.

1 comment:

  1. If you have renters insurance (I REALLY hope you do!) You can put your phones on your policy. That is what we do :-) it will save you money and cover more damages! Yay!

    And good job! I am a craazzzyyyyy budgeter too. Tends to happen when you start a family. I get picked on for how ridiculous I am. But I don't care, bc our finances are in great shape! Keep up the good work!
