Thursday, September 16, 2010

NICE Assignment: Be Nice To Yourself

Melissa of Operation NICE, posted yet another NICE Assignment. I really look forward to them every week, and I get bummed when she skips a week! I definitely think I'm a nicer person, since I started completing them.

Let me elaborate...a portion of my daily commute is the bus, I never really used to smile at or even really knowledge the bus driver, I actually avoided making eye contact so I would have to do either of these. These days, I say "good morning" or "good afternoon" or at the very least smile at the driver when I get on. And if I exited out the front door, I always say "thank you" as I'm getting off.

But back to the assignment - be nice to yourself - this is going to sound strange, but I'm having a difficult time with this one. You see, I am really nice to myself most of the time. It's just the hubs and I, and well he really doesn't really ask for much, so I generally have lot's of time to relax at night and just enjoy being with him. I don't have stressful demanding job, children or even a pet (we got some sad news about Kaiser...I'm waiting for some details to be confirmed, then I'll share) to look after.

To complete the assignment, I've decided to just take a moment and be more appreciative of how good I have it. And really take the time to enjoy my nights at home, because someday when we have a little monster runnin' around that will all change...


  1. Enjoy it now J. We never got that which is fine, but man i can't wait for the days when we can just relax. Being a mom is a 24/7 thing. No breaks. Even if you do go on a date, you are constantly thinking of them!

  2. REALLY?!? Wow, you totally made my day! I didn't think anyone did the assignments or cared much about them! Now I'm going to be less likely to skip a week knowing that you actually look forward to them. Yippee!
