Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We're Movin'

Have you ever made a choice that at the time, felt right, made sense and made you happy, and then a few weeks later you find yourself freaking out, crying and regretting that very same choice? Please tell me I'm not alone here...

With the upcoming arrival of our love bean, Timmy and I had a pretty big choice to make. Do we stay in our totally awesome downtown apartment with amazing views of Lake Michigan that we love so much, or do we move north and try to find a cheaper place to live? We decided to stay. We thought it made sense, close to the doctor, we're comfortable here, there's room for baby and though it would be tight we thought we could afford it.

Fast forward to last weekend...

I had been researching day care costs and decided to use our budget spreadsheet to simulate what our budget would become after love bean's arrival. Surprise, it would have been a little more than just tight. Cue the crying, freaking out and regretting that we renewed our lease a few weeks ago. When Tim got home from work we talked it over and decided to see if we could get out of our lease, if we couldn't we'd try to sublease it.

Oh happy Tuesday! We found out that they are going to void our lease!! We don't have to pay any sort of fee either, which is awesome. Now the hunt is on for a new place to live. We realize we're probably going to have to down grade considerably, but we'd rather do that than worry if we can afford rent/day care that month. Love bean will be more than worth it I'm sure :)

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