Thursday, May 5, 2011

I haven't blogged since Easter. I'm actually thinking about not blogging anymore. I don't think I really add anything new to the blogging world, I'm not sure how many and how much people enjoy reading my ramblings and a lot of the time I just don't know what to write about. Maybe I just haven't found my niche I'll give it another go here.

I'd love some feedback though, are there certain things you like reading about? Things I've wrote about that you think I should just keep to myself? Do you want to hear more about baby? About the city? My relationship, apartment, my rants and raves, more graphic design? I don't care if your a family member, friend, stranger, regular reader or you've just stumbled upon That's So City. I'd love to hear from you!


I'd love for this Maternity Slouch Joe Dress from TopShop to magically appear on my doorstep...

It's 48 Euro according to Google that's roughly $70. I promise if you send it to me, I'll wear it enough you'll get your money's worth :)


  1. Hi Jamie! Slacey here. I read all of your blogs. I love hearing about you and Tim, your life and now baby things. I don't comment often because I don't have a blogspot account and because I read it through my RSS feed reader but I do hope you keep it going. : )

    Love that dress! I heard they were opening a Top Shop in Chicago. I've heard it's an awesome store.

  2. Been waiting for the May Love List! I love to read your blog....I know I am your mom but it is fun to see, hear and read about what's That's So City has been up to :) M

  3. I love reading your blog, but you already know this! I love your posts about fashion, your love lists, the city and now baby! But you should do what makes you happy, and if blogging isn't doing it then you should find something else =)
