Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pop Your Problems

Remember me telling you about SoulPancake? Well, I completed another challenge. I popped my problems. It was really simple—blow up balloons,  write a problem or something that makes you angry on each one, then pop them with something sharp. Simple and therapeutic. I purposefully didn't take pictures showing what I wrote, because they were pretty personal. But I will share one with you; I've been doing my 10K training for 3 weeks and my body doesn't look any different.

I'm not really planning on running a 10K, but I needed some sort of work-out schedule, so that I would actually go to the gym. And yes, maybe it is asking too for 3 weeks to make a visible difference, but I still wish I could see my thighs and love handles shrinking. I do feel better though, well not today. I think I'm getting sick, but the last 3 weeks I have felt accomplished.

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