Saturday, September 17, 2011

Love Bean Update: 39 Weeks

Eeek...39 weeks! One more week until her due date. I have a feeling the 24th will come and go with no Stella though. My dad doesn't think she'll make her debut until October. He'll probably be right. My daddy has a way of usually being right about everything...shh don't tell him I said that.

I've done a really good job the last 39 weeks of not complaining. Mostly because I've had a super easy pregnancy. And when I was just getting to the point where it would have been acceptable and easy to start complaining, my sister's water broke at 19 weeks (that's not good) and that really put into perspective how good/easy I have had it. (side note: sister and baby are doing well. He's still cookin' away, and she's being strong, brave and fighting just as hard as him. She's on bed rest in the hospital until he's born).

But, I'm tired of being pregnant. If I'm honest though, I was tired of being pregnant from the first day I found out. I know that sounds horrible, but I'm a straight shooter and that's how I feel. I'm just not one of those women who thinks growing a human is the most rewarding experience ever. (I think raising her to be a beautiful, intelligent, creative and loving woman, will be the most rewarding experience ever). And no it doesn't mean that I don't love my child or that I already resent her. I do love her and I'm so so so excited to meet her.

It's just that I'm ready to have my body back, I really want to drink a beer while watching the Bears game, I'm really sick of wearing the same 5 outfits over and over again. I want to know what she looks like. I don't want to be short of breath anymore just from climbing into bed or walking up the stairs. I want to wear skinny jeans again. Ok. I'm done now :)

Another doctor's appointment on Tuesday. She'll check me this week, so I'll actually know if I'm progressing at all. I really like my doctor, she's super honest and straight forward. She warned me when I hit 37 weeks, that even though I was considered full term, it'd probably still be awhile. Most first time pregnancies go all the to 40 weeks or longer. And while, I'm selfishly so over being pregnant, love bean can cook in there as long as she wants.

1 comment:

  1. I have had the same feeling each pregnancies with my girls and now with my guy. And you can complain b/c being 39 weeks does suck and being out of breath sucks and having any sort of restrictions sucks in general! Love you, tim, and stell!
