Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Like a week ago, I put myself on the waiting list for Pinterest. The other day I got my invite, signed up and started pinning! I love it so far. It's a fun way to bookmark some of your favorite images and to collect inspiration. It's beats saving everything to your computer, that's for sure.

Right now I have 9 Boards set up.
  • Typography and Design - I'll use this one to log examples of great design/typography/illustration and other design inspiration
  • Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. - self explanitory
  • Pretty Things - images of pretty things will be pinned here
  • Places and Spaces - I'll use this board to keep pics of places and interiors that I like 
  • For Our Apartment - Things I'm currently loving/wanting/needing for our home (that chair? yeah we're getting that! more on that later.)
  • Pin It Forward - The cool thing about Pinterest you can see waht everyone else is pinning and you can follow people, repin or like their posts or leave a comment. My Pin It Forward will be all repins
  • Merry Christmas - self explanitory
  • Style - Clothes, bags and accessories that I love, want to buy, will buy, or will can only dream of buying
  • If I Could Do It Again - It's no secret, I love weddings. If I could have mine all over this is what would be inspiring me.

When you become a member, you get 5 invites to give out. I've only given one out, that means I have 4 left to give. If you want one let me know, I'd be happy to share.