Thursday, November 17, 2011

Family Tradition

A couple of weeks ago, I told hubs that I wanted us to start some of our own family traditions now that we have the Love Bean. On Sunday, I came up with an idea that I love! Hubs says it's a good idea, but truthfully I think he's kind of indifferent about the whole idea. Anyway...the first family tradition the Krenz's will be starting will be...12 Days of Christmas, 12 Random Acts of Kindness.

Each day, for the 12 days leading up to Christmas, we will be doing one random act of kindness. What I love about starting this tradition is imagining how much fun Love Bean will have once she's old enough to comprehend what we're doing! Kindness and generosity are two character traits that I want to instill in her from a young age. When the time comes, I'll post our RAOKs each day (or at least every couple days).


  1. I saw that you commented on Cup of Jo's giveaway for the necklace...I am doing a similar one & I think you would love it! Come check it out...

