Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Closet Overhaul

I've decided it's time for a closet overhaul. I feel like it's a natural time for my style and wardrobe to evolve. I found a great series of posts over on Kendi Everyday, that's all about creating a working closet. I'm following her 4 simple steps: purge, assess, organize, shop to create a closet that works for me. By a closet that works for me I mean, a closet where I can go in and put an outfit together with ease, because I love every piece. I'm sick of standing in my closet (that's over flowing with clothes) thinking, "Ugh, I have nothing to wear."

Step One: PURGE
Here is a picture of my closet before The Great Purge of 2011. I usually keep more organized, but I thought letting it get messy, would make for a more dramatic before and after shot. This is almost all of the clothes and shoes that I own. Missing are what's in the laundry, but obviously if I've worn it in the last couple weeks, I'm going to keep it.

 These next two shots were taken after I has everything sorted into piles. I numbered the piles and outlined what they are below. Hopefully you can see the numbers...please excuse the horrible pictures, my camera is a piece of junk.
  1. Keepers. These are all the of clothes that I hung back up in my closet. There are a few shirts that I was on the fence about, but hubs said he liked them so I kept them. 
  2. Give Away. This is the pile is all of the clothes I got rid of. I ended up with one big bag of stuff that I'm going to try to sell at Platos Closet, and two big bags of stuff to either donate to Goodwill, or store to sell at my mom's next garage sale. 
  3. All of my belts and scarves.
  4. Keepers (2). This pile is all of my tank tops that don't hang up, so I kept the separate from the other keepers.
  5. Maybes. This pile was a tough! It was a pile of clothes that I had to try on before deciding what to do with them. I wanted them all to be keeps, but there were just some things that didn't fit me right post Love Bean. Among them a pair of practically new Gap cords and my favorite black plants that were perfect for date nights and going out.
  6. Comfy Clothes. T-shirts, sweats, and pj's. 
 Shoes! I got rid of 6 pair. There were a couple others that I wanted to get rid of, but I need to replace them first. Example: my black pumps, they are in horrible condition, but they're the only pair I have! I boxed up all of my sandals so that they didn't take up so much room.

Ta da! Here is the after shot. I did this all on Sunday night, and I have to say, it was easy getting dressed on Monday and Tuesday. So, I think I'm well on my way to have a working closet!
Next step, assess. I'll probably post about that after Thanksgiving, since we're going to visit Timmy's family for a couple days.


  1. Does Tim have anywhere to put his clothes? ;) Nice work!

  2. haha yes he does! His closet is the same size as mine. Except it's only about half as full :)
